Boys and girls hair styles can be as fun and as varied as their parent’s. Whether your child wants a long or short style, he or she has a wide range of styles to choose from. There are many factors that will help you to determine which type of style will work for your child.
The first thing to consider is your child’s age. If very young, you may want to consider a simple cut. You will be the one who has to take care of your young child’s hair, and you don’t want a cut that will require a lot of maintenance. Young children look best in simple, carefree styles.
Take lifestyle into consideration. Is your child active and plays sports? If so, consider a shorter style that is easy to care for like a short comb forward style for boys. Active girls may prefer a short bob or layered cut that is wash and go with a minimal amount of styling time, while some may want to have long hair that they can pull back into a ponytail to give them more options.
As your child nears teenage years they will want more sophisticated styles. There are several options available that are easy to care for yet give your pre-teen a hip sense of style. Just look at any Disney or Nickelodeon show and you will see that boys and girls alike have short and long styles that have a lot of fun and movement. Encourage your pre-teen to stay with styles that don’t require a lot of fuss and product since they will still have get to school on time, and they need enough sleep.
No matter what style your child desires, a good stylist can help you and your child make the right choice for their age and lifestyle. Mimicking popular styles should be moderated by tailoring them to your child’s hair type and thickness. Consult a stylist who enjoys working with children.
Anastasia is a salon hair stylist in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Out of town appointments welcome.