Short hairstyles show a lot of sass and are considered cutting edge hairstyles. Many musicians and celebrities show off short hairstyles. If you don’t like taking a risk, a short hairstyle may not be for you. Knowing about short hairstyles before your stylist cuts off your long locks can save you regret and a long period of time in growing your hair back if you don’t plan ahead. However, if you are ready for an exciting and sassy change, the information below can help guide you along.
All face shapes can wear some type of short hairstyle with the exception to a pixie haircut. Pixie style short haircuts do look best on those with thin faces and longer necks. Your stylist and you can discuss what short hairstyles will look best on you depending on your face shape, helping you make the best choice. Look through pictures with your stylist and ask questions.
The weight line of a short haircut is important. The weight line of a short hairstyle refers to where the style or cut tapers toward the face or flares out and away from the face. A short hairstyle should have the weight line direction point at your best feature, perhaps your eyes or your chin. When other people look at you their eye is drawn to the weight line, if there is a feature you don’t want their eye directed at be sure to keep this in mind.
Bangs are another decision to consider when you choose a short hairstyle. Those with beautiful eyes should never let bangs cover them up, however bangs can help by disguising a high proportioned forehead.
Salon visits with your stylist should be every three to four weeks in order to keep the cut attractive and crisp looking.
Short hairstyles are sassy and fun and also give off a sense of confidence in the wearer. There are so many options and different short hairstyles can look good on so many different face types. If you’re looking for a sassy change, consider going short.