Men and women have been wearing braids in their hair for centuries. In the ancient world intricate braided hairstyles were a sign of class. The more elaborate your hairstyle, the higher in society you were. In some parts of the world braids were a matter of convenience. Braided hair doesn’t get matted and frizzy in hot climates, and they helped to protect the hair and scalp. You can find braids in almost every time period and every civilization. These ancient hairstyles have influenced hairstyles throughout history, and today braids are some of the hottest looks around. Here are 5 braided hairstyle ideas for you to try.
Jessica Alba looks great no matter how she wears her hair, but in this picture she looks very feminine and sweet with an updo and braids. Braid along your hairline and pull the braids up into a messy knot. Jessica has several braids done on her hairline, but you can just do one or two depending on the look you want.
Braids are the perfect hairstyle for kids. In this picture we see a little girl with the crown of her hair braided and an afro. This is a really cute style that blends together two popular trends, braids and natural hairstyles.
If you have long hair you like to wear down, just do a single braid for an accent. This braid can be along the part like the young lady in the picture, or you can wear it at your hair line. Another cute style is peek a boo braids. These are braids done near the back and underside of your hair that peek out.
Braids are also great for brides. You can get very elaborate or keep it simple depending on the style of wedding you are planning. In this picture the bride has her hair long and curled with a modified French side braid. The flower accents are the perfect accessory for her special day.
Jaden and Willow Smith have lived on the edge of fashion since they were small children. Here we see them with cornrow braids. Cornrow braids are easy to care for, and you can have your stylist add human hair extensions if you don’t have the length.
These are just 5 popular takes on braids. Book an appointment with your stylist and have fun creating new looks and styles with braids. Ask your stylist for ideas and products to keep your braids looking fresh and in place.
Call now to book an appointment. Anastasia is a salon hair stylist in Oklahoma City, OK. Out of town appointments welcome.