punk hair

Hair Styles That Channel the Punk Vibe – OKC Hair Salon

Some people say that there is no such thing as Emo. Or Scene. Even Goth isn’t really real according to nay-sayers. Rather, all these styles are actually just sub-categories of Punk. Believe it or not, Punk has made different faces and whether you ascribe to the idea that Emo, Scene, and Goth are actually knock-offs or not, these various styles do actually have a lot in common. If you’re in the market for a punk cut, there are plenty of different options to choose from. It’s important to come up with a general direction for your cut before you head to your stylist because of the immense variety of choices …

Hair Styles That Channel the Punk Vibe – OKC Hair Salon もっと読む »


Today’s punk styles have their roots in the mid 1980’s English music invasion that swept the United States and the world. Mohawked young men in tight skinny leather pants complete with leather jackets adorned with spikes and chains made their impact on the day’s youth and their influence can still be seen today. Even today Emo, Goth and modern Punkers can trace their roots to the original punk movement from the 1980’s. Clothes and makeup followed the trends of London and the New Wave music movement. Young men and women alike started experimenting with their hair using gel and hairspray to get spikes that seemed to defy gravity. Some wore …

パンクヘア–あなたのマンマのモヒカン刈りではありません もっと読む »


私たちが住む世界では、多様性、創造性、独創性が常に注目されています。それは、特に彼らが見るものが目に心地よいものである場合、人々を見て見つめるように引き付けます。パンクヘアはこれらすべてです。しかし、ファッショナブルと見なされるものと単に凶悪と見なされるものとの間には、パンクヘアスタイルの細い線があります。 Flickr経由のChrisWeisbergによる画像適切なバランスを見つけることが、2010年のヘアスタイルのすべてです。パンクヘアスタイルでは、服装だけでなく、顔、ライフスタイル、投影したい全体的なイメージを引き立たせるようにする必要があります。パンクヘアで世界に衝撃を与える…

最新の2010パンクヘアスタイルで大胆なファッションステートメントを作る もっと読む »
