
Dreadlocks And Good Routine Maintenance – Oklahoma City Dreadlocks

People with dreadlocks often have issues with maintenance and keeping their dreads looking good.  If your dreads are new you want them to get smooth and tight as fast as possible.  Below are some tips that can help and are just a good routine for maintenance. If dreads were just done they won’t need a wash for a week.  They may possibly hurt a little bit because they’re newly waxed and very tight.  Sleeping with nylon (pantyhose) can help with frizz problems.  If there is some itching as the end of the week nears, it is okay and natural.  If the itching becomes unbearable there are products that are oil …

Dreadlocks And Good Routine Maintenance – Oklahoma City Dreadlocks もっと読む »

Teens Expressing Themselves With Hair Dye – Oklahoma City Hair Color

Why do we see more and more teenagers with their hair dyed? What do you do if your teen is looking to dye their hair?  In the past, hair color fell under these categories; brunettes, blondes or redheads.  Teens today express themselves with vibrant hair colors like pinks, greens, blues and purples.  It seems there is no limit to choices for teens to dye their hair, like being able to choose from a crayon box.  This growing and popular trend with teens is becoming very popular and a way for artistic expression. Many parents and adults feel uneasy about teens with brightly multi-colored hair.  Though some parents are confident with …

Teens Expressing Themselves With Hair Dye – Oklahoma City Hair Color もっと読む »


The number of men coloring their hair is increasing and the reason isn’t just to cover their gray hair.  Many men just want to try a new style or bring something new to their look. It is possible men are choosing to dye their hair in order to stay more competitive in the workplace with younger professionals.  Salons and stylists are experiencing the ever more frequent visit from men and their desire to color their hair or add some highlights.  Men are slowly changing their previous ideas and thoughts that hair dying and coloring was just for women or those with gray hair.  The rise in numbers of men coming …

髪を着色することを選択する男性の成長傾向–OKC男性の髪 もっと読む »

10 Tips To Growing Black Hair Longer – Oklahoma

10 Tips To Growing Black Hair Longer The common thought is that black hair grows slower than all other types of hair.  In actuality, all hair types average a 1/2 inch of growth every month.  The treatment you give your hair is the determining factor to growing and retaining your hair.  Some women may practice superstitious rituals like having a strict daily vitamin regimen or follow a lunar calendar to determine when to cut their hair.  Unfortunately there is no magic spell or hair growth tonic involved to get hair to grow.  Committing yourself to healthy hair practices and giving your locks some TLC are all that you’ll be required …

10 Tips To Growing Black Hair Longer – Oklahoma もっと読む »

Making Haircuts Fun For Kids

Making Haircuts Fun For Kids Many parents face an uphill battle with their young children and the child’s fear of haircuts.  For many kids, sitting in a big chair with a stranger holding a pair of scissors or clippers that buzz and are aimed at their heads have them screaming and squirming making the whole haircut process distressing for everyone involved.  Trying some of the helpful tips below should help kids find the fun in getting a haircut and have parents stress less and relax during the salon visit. Preparing yourself and your child for the upcoming adventure can go a long way in making the haircutting experience successful.  Let …

Making Haircuts Fun For Kids もっと読む »
