Buzz cut

Variations of the Crew Cut – OKC Men’s Hair Salon

Men’s hair styles don’t change as dramatically as women’s from season to season, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a diversity of different cuts for men to choose from. Take the crew cut, for example. This is a style that’s been “in” for decades, but it isn’t just one discreet do. The crew cut has taken many forms over the years and it has a history all its own. If you’re considering a crew cut, you should know that this style isn’t as straightforward as it seems and when you go to your stylist to tell him (or her) that this is what you want, there is actually a …

Variations of the Crew Cut – OKC Men’s Hair Salon もっと読む »

Trendy Haircuts for Boys

Your young man wants to look good and today there are several trendy haircuts for boys for him to choose from. A well done haircut by your stylist will be easier for your son or you to take care of. If your son is young, consider a very simple cut that requires little to no maintenance. As he gets older he can experiment with gels, pastes and other styles that are more creative. The bowl cut is a perennial favorite. True to its name, it looks like someone put a bowl on top of the head and cut around it. You can have your stylist blend it into the sides …

Trendy Haircuts for Boys もっと読む »


男性の間では見栄えを良くすることへの関心が高まっており、一部の理髪店はサロンが提供するスタイルの選択肢を提供していません。男性は、伝統的に頻繁に行っていた理髪店ではなく、ヘアスタイリストにますます目を向けています。男性がサロンに入るのに十分な髪の毛を気にすることがタブーだった時代は終わりました。 Flickr経由のQuasimondoによる画像才能のある床屋がたくさんいます。しかし、正直なところ、髪をフラットトップやバズカット、または標準的なクッキーカッターカットの1つにカットしたくない場合は、プロのヘアスタイリストに行くのが最善かもしれません。多くの床屋…

男性はカビから抜け出すためにヘアスタイリストに目を向けています もっと読む »
