
燙髮你的頭髮:你應該還是不應該 - 俄克拉荷馬城美髮沙龍

It may be hard to believe, but perms are no longer considered out-of-style in today’s fashion world. Back in the 1980’s, perms were wildly popular, but often unbelievably damaging to the hair. Today’s perms, however, have changed and, it seems, women are more savvy about their hair. While a perm may look fabulous on some …

燙髮你的頭髮:你應該還是不應該 - 俄克拉荷馬城美髮沙龍 閱讀更多 ”

Considering Box Color? Don’t Do It and Here’s Why – Oklahoma Hairstylist

When you’re cruising the aisle of your favorite store it may be tempting to pick up a box of hair color and try to give yourself a new look. The price of box color makes it really tempting to try and color your hair yourself, but do you know the risks you’re taking? Most people …

Considering Box Color? Don’t Do It and Here’s Why – Oklahoma Hairstylist 閱讀更多 ”
