hair stylists

2013-2014 年冬季髮色趨勢 – 俄克拉荷馬城髮色

2013-2014 年冬季的頭髮顏色似乎很正常,但如果你仔細觀察,就會發現一些有趣的事情發生在表面之下。本季的主流髮型具有非常傳統和自然的外觀,並帶有美味的顏色,以抵消外面寒冷、令人討厭的天氣。肉桂、栗子、巧克力和黃油……

2013-2014 年冬季髮色趨勢 – 俄克拉荷馬城髮色 閱讀更多 ”

Should you go blonde? Think before you dye. – OKC Hair Color Salons

The glow and shine of golden hair (not to mention TV and movies and pressure from boyfriends) makes many of those born with darker hues ask if they should go blonde. It is a significant change and there are a lot of questions that have to be answered before taking the plunge. Think about the …

Should you go blonde? Think before you dye. – OKC Hair Color Salons 閱讀更多 ”
