

If you’re looking for way to keep cool this summer, a new short hairstyle is one of the easiest ways to do just that. A few years ago Victoria Beckham made waves in the fashion world when she had her hair cut into a concave chipped bob. This style is still very popular, and for …

凹面切面鮑勃是一種涼爽的夏日風格——俄克拉荷馬城美髮沙龍 閱讀更多 ”


Oklahoma City summers are hot and humid. The last thing you want is to have your hair on your neck, but you may not want to make the commitment to get it cut. There is an answer, it’s a pinned up bob. This is a style that will carry you through the hot summer days …

一個固定的鮑勃是一個涼爽的夏季選擇——俄克拉荷馬城的髮型 閱讀更多 ”
