The Truth about Men’s Faux Hawks – Oklahoma City Stylist

Men’s hair styles are not nearly as diverse as women’s perhaps because men tend to tease each other about gaudy hair. But that hasn’t stopped some men from wearing their hair to make a statement. Indeed, men who care about themselves enough to do something bold with their hair can be eye-catching to say the least. Sometimes, the attractiveness of the style isn’t the goal, but rather the message it sends to onlookers. This was the original idea behind the Mohawk, which was popular in the 1980’s.

Sitting by a Tree
Sitting by a Tree (Photo credit: Furryscaly)

A faux hawk is a little different from a Mohawk. A faux hawk isn’t quite as in-your-face as a Mohawk, but it still features a central strip of hair that’s made to stand up. The cool thing about this style is that men can wear it as the somewhat rebellious faux hawk or they can wear it down and enjoy looking like a normal man with a conventional do. It’s up to them.

You’ll have to go to a salon to get a cut that will support the look of a faux hawk. If you get the cut and then chicken out and decide not to wear it up in the “Mohawk” position, that’s okay. Your hair will look just remarkably normal if you don’t tease it up and spray it in position. Faux hawks are usually shorter than Mohawks. The hair that’s teased upward doesn’t generally stand up as tall on top of the head as the Mohawk hair of the 80’s did.

Not many hair styles have an interesting history, but this one does. Mohawks have also been referred to as “Mohican” in British English parlance, though the style was actually worn by several Native American tribes like the Iroquois and the Pawnee. The Mohawk nation which was located in New York state plucked their hairs rather than shaving the sides of the head. The hair style was one of open-defiance and rebellion among these native people, which made it perfect as a rebellious hair style for 1980’s youth who were filled with angst and ennui. A movie called Drums Along the Mohawk that starred Henry Fonda made the association between Mohawk rebellion and youth rebellion more salient.

The faux hawk has mixed reviews from other men. Men who are brave enough to go the full distance and do a Mohawk claim that those sporting faux hawks don’t have the guts to openly declare a full rebellion. Men who wouldn’t dream of getting a Mohawk, or anything but a typical business cut see the style as too flamboyant. But still the faux hawk has enjoyed some popularity probably because of its versatility. Men, after all, like to change their look sometimes too.
