
Bring on the Bangs – Hairstylist Oklahoma City

Bangs are a quick way to switch up the look of your style. Bangs can open up your eyes and make you look younger if styled properly. Side bangs make almost all facial shapes look thinner since they add a bit of asymmetry. If you have a high forehead, bangs are the perfect remedy. For a soft look keep your bangs wispy. For a more dramatic look you may want to have heavy fringe like Kim Kardashian. You can see from the picture how her new bangs changed up her looks. In the second picture Catherine Zeta Jones has long bangs that frame her face with a half updo. You …

Bring on the Bangs – Hairstylist Oklahoma City もっと読む »


The Secrets to Sleek and Shiny Hair – Oklahoma City Hairstylist

Sleek and shiny hair is sexy. Curly, straight, wavy, thick or thin hair can be sleek and shiny. The secrets to healthy looking and manageable hair isn’t rocket science. It is a mixture of proper hair and scalp care, a great cut, and the best quality styling and hair care products you can afford. Even if your hair is frizzy and a challenge, you can have great looking hair with a few tips and secrets from beauty professionals. Source: pexels.com First get a great cut. Go to a stylist who is experienced and can help you find a cut that will look great on you. She needs to take into …

The Secrets to Sleek and Shiny Hair – Oklahoma City Hairstylist もっと読む »

Medications and Medical Procedures May Cause Hair Loss – Oklahoma City Hair Salon

Hair loss can be caused by many things. Hereditary plays an important part in hair loss for men and women. Men normally experience hair loss in a horseshoe formation, while women usually experience thinning at the crown and hair line. Hair loss can be heart breaking no matter what age it appears. Did you know some medications and medical procedures can contribute to or cause hair loss? If you experience unexplained hair loss, be sure to ask your doctor about your medications. If you’ve just gone through a medical procedure and start to lose hair, ask your doctor to be sure there is no underlying medical condition. There are ways …

Medications and Medical Procedures May Cause Hair Loss – Oklahoma City Hair Salon もっと読む »


Holiday Hair Accessories Add Glamor to Your Look – Oklahoma City Hair Salon

With the holidays in full swing you may be looking for an easy way to add some glamor to your look. One of the easiest and cheapest ways to add a bit of sparkle to your look is with hair accessories. You can find many very pretty hair accessories in department stores, accessory stores and the big box stores for next to nothing. Don’t forget to check second hand and thrift stores for some vintage finds. Also check the little girl’s section for some funky and unique hair accessories you can use to spice up your holiday looks. A very festive look is a messy bun held back with a …

Holiday Hair Accessories Add Glamor to Your Look – Oklahoma City Hair Salon もっと読む »



USウィークリーは最近、ジェニファーラブヒューエットがヤフーで最も検索された有名人のヘアスタイルでエマワトソンとジェニファーアニストンを打ち負かしたと報告しました。 3人の女性はすべて素敵で、それぞれが独自のスタイルを持っているので、3人すべてがファッションのアイコンとして見られているのも不思議ではありません。ジェニファーは今年いくつかのヘアスタイルを経験しました、そしてここにトップ評価されたものの3つがあります。今年の初め、ジェニファーはフリンジが重いミディアムレングスのスタイルで髪をまとっていました。このカットは本当に彼女の目を強調します。あなたの髪がまっすぐな側にあるならば、これは素晴らしいカットです。髪の毛が波打ったり縮れたりしている場合は、これも入手できます…

ヤフーでジェニファーラブヒューイット#1セレブのヘアスタイルを検索–オクラホマシティヘアサロン もっと読む »
