
Manicure for Overall Health

Our nails are one of the important parts of our body. That may sound surprising, but it’s true. What are nails, really? Well, technically speaking, nails are hardened skin cells made up mostly of keratin, the same compounds that make up our skin and hair. They serve as shields, and they also sustain the tissues of our fingers and toes. When living cells under the cuticle multiply, they push out the harder, dead cells and these in turn become our nails. Image via Wikipedia Nails can serve in diagnosis of diseases, by showing signs of a problem. Also, improper nail care can cause nail disorders, so we must take good …

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Manicure your Workplace Appearance

Image by enriqueburgosgarcia via Flickr How often do co-workers see your hands? Manicures are a great way to boost self-esteem. Since they concern a body part frequently seen and evaluated by others – our hands and nails – making them look the best they can impart a significant amount of personal confidence. They don’t hurt  overall personal attitude, either. The positive effect of personal grooming on your psyche is hard to deny. Manicures may not replace therapy sessions, but they can make you feel instantly more beautiful. In the work place, where we always use our hands, having a good manicure may actually enhance job opportunities. Well-groomed hands and nails …

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Pedicure for Your Health

Did you know that you can pamper yourself and improve your health at the same time? Having a pedicure could help improve your health, as you lose all the stress you incurred during the week. A pedicure is a means to care for your feet and toenails and improve their appearance. It can help prevent diseases and disorders of the nails. The rest of the foot is also taken care of by exfoliating calluses and dead skin cells with the use of pumice rocks. Image by robleto via Flickr An emerging alternative is the use of “doctor fish” in pedicure methods. Doctor fish, or Garra rufa, are freshwater, bottom-feeding fish …

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