Info & Advice

Hairstyles in the New December 20, 2010

In this Holiday edition of Hairstyles in the News we’ll see some festive styles and new looks for celebrities. Celebrities continue to influence and set trends and as 2011 approaches this will still be business as usual. Take a look at this week’s looks and see if there is one that you want to try out for your next holiday party. Jessica Stroup and Jessica Stam have two different looks at the Charity Ball 2010. Jessica Stroup is decked out in a tailored man’s look with her short hairslicked back and wavy, while Jessica Stam is looking very feminine in a look style that shows off her blond hair and …

Hairstyles in the New December 20, 2010 もっと読む »



あなたの顔の形に合うように正しい前髪を手に入れよう もっと読む »


Dreads are a popular way to wear your hair. It is natural and easy to care for. Some religious groups wear their hair in dread locks because of their laws governing their hair care and these religious laws prohibit cutting or styling hair. The Rastafarians and some Middle Eastern sects are examples of these groups. Many people with ethnic hair find dreads an easy style to manage and maintain. Dreads are one of the few ways to wear your hair that actually look better as time goes on and the dreads mature. But what if you have thin hair and want to wear dreads? Is there a way for you …

細い髪でもエクステンションで恐怖ロックすることができます もっと読む »


今シーズンのショートヘアはスタイリッシュで、少しカールとボディが似合います。しかし、あなたがそれをカールさせたいとき、短い髪はそれ自身の一連の挑戦を投稿することができます。頭皮や指を焦がさずに、どうすればショートドゥに命を吹き込むことができますか?プロのヘアスタイリストはあなたが望む外観を達成するためにあなたが家で使うことができるトリックを持っています。出典:marieclaire.com髪に高熱器具を使用する前に行うべき最も重要なことの1つは、熱保護製品で髪を保護することです。あなたのスタイリストは、彼女があなたの髪の特定のニーズに最適であると感じるものを推薦することができます。申し込み …

頭皮や指を焦がさずに短い髪をカールさせる方法 もっと読む »

Get the Volume and Length You Want With Hair Extensions

You can add volume, length, curl and color to your hair with extensions. Today’s extensions are high quality and look natural when applied correctly. Your stylist can use many different methods to place extensions in your hair. These include glue in track extensions that are the least expensive and take the least amount of time. Track extensions will last from one to two weeks. Sewn in extensions are sewn onto small braids that your stylist does close to your scalp and can last about two months if you care for them properly. These are only a bit more expensive than tracks and take longer because of the braiding that must …

Get the Volume and Length You Want With Hair Extensions もっと読む »
