
Feather extensions are one of the hottest trends right now and what makes them so popular is not only their edgy look, but the fact you can style them just like your natural hair. You can curl and straighten feather extensions and when expertly placed, they will last for several weeks. Many celebrities are wearing feather extensions and if you’ve ever watched American Idol you know how fond of feathers Steven Tyler is, and the singer Ke$ha has brought feather extensions to the mainstream of fashion.

Don’t They Kill the Roosters For Their Feathers?Source: airfeatherextensions.blogspot.in

Yes, they do. Always, actually – you can’t harvest the full set of tail feathers any other way. While feather extensions are chic, you may not realize that some of them are from roosters which are killed to obtain their tail feathers. The birds are bred and genetically enhanced to product long colorful tail feathers, euthanized around 15 months of age, and the tail feathers are then sold for use by fly fishermen or as feather extensions. Unfortunately there is no other way to harvest a complete set of tail feathers from the birds. Since the popularity of feather extensions, 1500 roosters per day are killed on some farms to meet the demand.

Ethical Alternatives

How can you have the look of feather extensions without the cruelty? There are kill free farms that use birds which are molting. These birds are not harmed or hurt in any way. The feathers are removed while grooming the birds during their molting season. Another alternative is to use synthetic feathers. These look natural and come in many different varieties and look great in your hair. All of Anastasia’s  feather extensions are cruelty-free. She’s the only stylist we know of, locally, doing these, and they’re gorgeous. Make an appointment, and choose from a beautiful selection of ‘friendly feather extensions’ when you come in, without killing anything just for decoration. You can be beautiful and kind.

Call now to book an appointment. Anastasia is a salon hair stylist in Oklahoma City, OK. Out of town appointments welcome.
