Which hair straightening solution is right for you?
Well, let’s see…you have Japanese, Brazilian, keratin….
The ideal solution for your hair will depend on a range of dynamics: 1) commitment views; 2) budget; 3) hair texture; 4) chemical application history; and 5) lenience for risk.
In this post, we will concentrate on a few realities you (and your locks) should consider before sitting down in the chair for hair smoothing.
1. Some products can frizz the tresses.
To understand how straightening products work, imagine each curl as a twisting staircase with a lot of steps (bonds); chemicals help to break down those steps so that a stylist can rebuild the spiral staircase.
Women today consider keratin solutions as their “favorite” alternative for hair-smoothing. However, the chemicals found in these products only temporarily break down the hair’s bond, since they mostly use relaxers to achieve the smoothed texture.
This temporary-relaxing route can lead to hair frizz, as the locks come into contact with water and humidity.
Japanese treatments get better non-frizz results; however, there is a downside to using them as described in truth number two.
2. Some hair smoothing products straighten the hair longer than others do.
Generally, the chemicals found in Japanese solutions “permanently” break the hair’s bond and keeps its texture smooth until the tresses grow out; but be advised, it’s the most expensive hair straightening alternative out there.
Brazilian keratin products are more affordable than Japanese straighteners, and they perform in same long-term form. This application saturates the tresses with a formaldehyde chemical to straight-lock the hair. Formaldehyde also repels water, after it permanently sets in.
The disadvantage to using a Brazilian straighter is that blow-dryer or flat-iron heat releases formaldehyde gas into the air, which can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Further, it’s toxic: continued exposure to formaldehyde can lead to increased respiratory disease and increased cancer risks.
3. Be cautious of “formaldehyde-free” claims.
Hair straightening treatments don’t need FDA approval, and every one of them “in theory” contain some from of gas release when coming into contact with water or heat. Ethylene glycol, formalin, methanol, and methandriol are ingredients that you’ll want to stay away from, if you choose to go formaldehyde-free.
So, do your due diligence, and ask your stylist about the exact chemicals he or she will use to smooth your hair.
4. Short haircuts adore smoothing treatments.
Don’t let your face shape declare that you cannot own a fabulous pixie cut. Talk to your stylist about performing a straightening treatment before any major chop. You’ll be surprised to discover how some relaxed locks can add extra hair length with exceptional depth to most round countenances.
5. Change your shampoo after a straightening application.
The sulfate salt, acid derivative, and peroxide contained in most OTC shampoos, today, just love to feed the frizz. Therefore, invest in a pro-style, sulfate-free shampoo after leaving your appointment to add another month of longevity to your new sleek look.
6. Only straighten your hair two-to-three times year.
Your locks will become more fragile and prone to breakage after each hair straightening application; hence, try keeping your frizz-control applications down to just two seasons; say, summer and winter only (when your most likely to show off your tresses).
For hair straightening in Oklahoma City with fewer harsh chemicals, call me (Anastasia) for an appointment.