Fall is just around the corner, and with mild temperatures and high humidity on the horizon, most women will be looking faithfully for ways to keep their hair in a manageable state. Keratin hair straightening treatments can deliver the proper adjustments needed for gals with curly locks whenever the seasons change.
The idea of straightening hair isn’t a new fad. Many people have exploited this method to manage their waves for decades now. Straightening treatments have evolved from using irons and combs–to applying vent and roller brushes–to nowadays–using irons, color and product to capture or recapture a look of controllable hair.
Ten years ago, Brazil introduced the keratin treatment to a world of women who were looking for solutions for maintaining their elegant hair in yearlong, hot weather. This year, US clients have embraced keratin straightening, which has been competent in eliminating frizz and controlling waves.
Choosing the Right Treatment
It’s exciting when you’re fully aware of all the keratin straightening options on hand; so, be sure to ask your stylist what opportunities are available for you. Also, Keratin treatments combined with relaxing hair applied to different areas of the scalp can establish virtually any texture desired.
Before visiting the salon, you should think about what you want to achieve from having a keratin treatment, other than leaving the appointment with just straighter hair. Clients can approach keratin applications in many ways, whether its final result is to wear the hair semi-wavy or to keep the locks completely straight.
Your stylist will also need to consider carefully your hair’s texture before suggesting your keratin options because there is no all-in-one keratin treatment in the marketplace that will work for every type of hair.
Straightening Hair and Intensifying Color
Keratin treatments not only smooth your hair, but they also enhance color-treated hair as well. Most keratin brands will boost the hue in color-treated hair on contact with the application of the hot irons; thus, applying coloring before straightening with keratin is a bonus.
Conversely, when using keratin on hair that is more than forty-percent gray, be cautious of using hot irons because the heat can cause silvery hair to turn a bit yellow, which isn’t a good look.
Salt Water and Chlorine
There is one important thing to remember after investing in a Keratin treatment–stay away from the ocean and swimming pools after straightening the hair. If you must swim, use a cap.
Having said that, if you have to hit the water and wearing a cap just wont work for you, be sure to invest in a no-salt, chlorine removing shampoo for some after-swim hair care. However, this shampoo is not a fix-all, which means that you may have less time to enjoy your new keratin treatment.
For hair straightening in Oklahoma City with fewer harsh chemicals, call me (Anastasia) for an appointment.