How to Have Straight Hair Safely

Many women have curly kinky hair but want smooth straight hair. Brazilian and Japanese straightening systems can provide you with straight hair.These products are designed to straighten the hair safely and permanently. Relaxers contain lye and other chemicals that can damage your hair and are not suitable for all hair types. There is an alternative to lye based products.

A woman's hair before and after using a flat iron
Image via Wikipedia

Mazani and iStraight are straightening products that contain no lye. They straighten your hair without harsh chemicals or odor. Most products break the natural bonds in your hair that control the wave and curl patterns. This can make your hair weak and lead to damage and breakage. Mazani and iStraight don’t break the bonds, but help them to relax so that your hair is sleek and smooth without .

The iStraight hair straightening system actually makes your hair stronger with natural oils, ceramide and ion technology. Mazani is another quality hair straightening system that contains their exclusive C3 Smooth Complex of cocnut oil, cationic polymers and ceramides. Your stylist will use the best product for your hair type and texture. Once you have your hair straightened with these products it will stay straight for up to six months. Do not wash your hair and avoid getting it damp for 72 hours after you receive a straightening treatment to allow your hair’s bonds to adjust. After that time you can wash and style your hair like normal.

If you want smooth healthy hair don’t take chance with your health, go to a stylist that uses iStraight or Mazani lye free formulas.

Call now to book an appointment. Anastasia is a salon hair stylist in Oklahoma City, OK. Out of town appointments welcome.
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