When you are considering extensions you have your choice of quality. You can go with synthetic extensions which will mat up and only last a few weeks, or you can opt for human hair extensions which will last up to eight weeks and are reusable. The finest quality human hair extensions are Remy hair extensions. What makes these so special is they are taken from one cut from one person. This ensures the hair stays in perfect shape and the cuticle layer is not damaged. A smooth cuticle layer helps the hair lay flat and be styled. Lesser quality human hair extensions are gathered from many different people and may be cut in a way that damages the cuticle layer. This can cause the hair to tangle and not respond well to styling.

Remy hair comes from India, and 40% of all Remy hair comes from the temple Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. Men and women all over India come to the temple and offer their hair as a tribute to the Hindu god Vishnu. The temple then sells the hair to chemical companies if it is very short or not in the best shape, or in a ponytail and markets it as Remy. Only the silkiest and healthiest hair is sold as Remy. The hair is sold in wefts. These are small hairpieces gathered together to form an extension. Your stylist can place these in your hair by sewing them in, locking or with the fusion method. She will decide which method is best based on the look you want and your budget.
The greatest advantage for choosing Remy is the quality of the hair. Be sure when you choose Remy human hair extensions the package says 100% virgin hair from India. Some brands try to pass off inferior hair as Remy, but you can tell the difference by the look and feel of the hair. Genuine Remy hair is soft, silky and very shiny. These types of extensions can be washed, colored, curled and straightened just like your natural hair, and if you take care of your extensions properly, they can be used over again. Since Remy is top of the line you will pay more for it than synthetic or inferior types of human hair (usually around $120 per piece) but you are getting a quality product that will be impossible to tell from your natural hair if placed properly. Ask your stylist about Remy human hair extensions. She can tell you where to get the genuine article for the best price.