A great receding hairline cut isn’t impossible. Men with fine hair certainly can still appear attractive with the appropriate hairstyle; having said that, it’s undoubtedly crucial that men with thin hair to locate a hairstylist who understands effective ways to mask problem areas.
Men should assist their barber prior to showing up at the parlor by preparing their fine hair for the cut:
- Blow dry hair even over your scalp to cover any underweight spots.
- Just style the roots to the edges of the hair to ensure that you give your hairstylist a good foundation to work with.
- See to it that the majority of the tips are styled and that all ends are dropping.
Let’s check out a handful of approaches where men can take advantage of their thin hair after the hairline acquires a mind of its own.
Early Hair Loss-The Josh Lucas Cut: There’s a rationale why vintage haircuts are lengthy on the top, and short from behind and on the sides. Sporting hair longer at the edges and in the back only shows off balding areas, particularly in men with darker hair follicles. Never do it. The slender combover seriously dopes not help either. If you are unsure what to do when your hair starts thinning, go short.
Mild Receding Hairline: David Beckham resurrected the New Mullet, and many others have followed. Beckham’s design simply features the forepart and edges trimmed short, while the back stays long. This is a truly modern and sharp effect for modern-day men on the move.
Medium Hair Loss: Matthew McConaughey is one of those famous people who have made an exceptional rebound from hair thinning. His rough volume look is a great model for half-balding males. It’s also an awesome approach to get trendy.
The Shaven Look-Vin Diesel: Go ahead and shave it all. Smooth is super trendy. Many women succumb to that extreme bad boy shave or sporty appearance, which absolutely looks great on any man despite their receding hair.
After-Styling Suggestions
Steer clear from pushing up the hair too far. Be a guy, and simply sport the hair close to the head, and add a bit of cluttered texture like Steve McQueen.
Always keep hair near the scalp without exposing uneven areas. Hair must be the right length to make sure that it does not part.
Reduce the crown so that it becomes heavier in the front, and adjust the peak; doing this will certainly make it appear like you have far more hair.
Don’t use hair gel; it makes hair follicles more transparent.
Don’t wash your hair every day, try every few days, and apply an airy mousse at the follicle to generate maximum volume.
Use a spray wax-dry shampoo mix or dry shampoo by itself after not washing for a couple of days (see to it that you brush the powder off the scalp with a blow dryer, a soft towel, or your fingers).
For a men’s haircut that makes you look good, even with a receding hairline, contact Anastasia for an appointment.