Medium length hair has often been considered the ideal length for women’s hairstyles. Several of today’s best-known celebrities have medium length styles and continue to rock them with every red carpet appearance they enjoy. There is more than one way to style your hair when it is of medium length, as several of these Hollywood beauties have shown.

Super-straight: To achieve the optimal ultra-straight look, have your hair trimmed to the same overall length. Use a flatiron to pull the hair near the bottom of your face slightly upwards in a gentle bend, and ensure the part in your hair is razor-straight for the best effect. Stars like Olivia Munn are among the ladies who excel at bringing this look to every media appearance they make, and the hairstyle’s appear continues to grow as a result.
Shaggy: Many are turning to this loose, shaggy hairstyle for a style that is more carefree than some. Hairstylists can cut layers about two inches from the bottom of the hairstyle and add a fringe of bangs for a cool, ultra-modern look. The bangs should be angled towards the temples for a blended look. Between the bangs and the pieciness of the hairstyle, women can enjoy a lot of movement with this free flowing look. That gives the hairstyle quite a bit of movement and flow as you go through your daily routine. Starlets like Alexa Chung have become known for this look.
Layer it up! If you have a medium style that is fine and wavy, layers throughout your style are a great way for you to highlight your features and make the most of your face shape. It will be difficult at best to wear this sort of style up, as there will be a lot of loose pieces due to the layers. If, however, you do not mind loose pieces while you put your hair up, this could certainly be an ideal style for you. Whether you choose to have it full and layered or up and loose, this can be a footloose style for anyone on the go or looking for a new look.
Loosely Layer Your Locks: It works for Rose Byrne – her loose flowing locks gives her an appealing, somewhat disheveled look that only further highlights her delicate features. If your face is quite round, you should opt for fewer layers, as more layers will only serve to highlight the roundness of your features. However, anyone with medium length hair can definitely make this style work – it’s only a matter of how many layers will appropriately highlight your features. From there, loosely wrap tendrils of hair around a curling iron and let the curls gently fall.
Piecey Curls = Piece of the Beauty: For fine, medium length hair, piecey layers go a long way to adding to the airiness of any style. Ensure your style is long enough to graze your shoulders, add some loose layers throughout the cut and part your hair in an uneven style. While the overall look is piecey, it is also very professional looking, making for a style you can use in several different scenarios – out for dinner, at a professional function; you name it. The style works anywhere!
There are multiple ways of styling medium length hair for women. Whether we are looking for a way to update our look or put a new twist on styles we have already tried, these possibilities are sure to please almost any audience.
For a hairstyle that compliments your personal style, contact Anastasia immediately for an appointment.