Most middle-aged women already feel that their body is at least fifteen years younger than the date printed on their birth certificates; so, why not flaunt a hairstyle that complements this sense of self-confidence?
Let’s take a look at eight celebrity hairstyles that will make you feel younger…

Put away the hot irons and forget about chemical straightening; letting curly hair grow out naturally is definitely mainstream. So, stay young like Andie, and let your natural curls go, but be sure to choose the right haircut. Your hair can sprout up if the cut is too petite; and an overly-lengthy mane can become a tangled mess.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Women with oval or square faces look younger when flaunting pin-straight hair with a center part. However, even if you have the privilege of owing straight hair, you’ll still have to apply a flat iron to get the Paltrow look.
Nicole Kidman
Hippie-long hair left the limelight about four decades ago. This is why forty-something women hardly ever let their tresses grow beyond the rib-cage. So, what does Nicole Kidman do with her silky long mane to look eighteen-again? She either cuts her hair into an eye-pleasing, shoulder-sweep style, or she pulls off a spectacular extended bob, which takes years off her overall look.
Michelle Pfeiffer
Michele seems to be aging backward. How can you pull this off too? Simply let that boring bob grow out, and allow the mane to fall just above the shoulders. The back hairs should also be cut an inch shorter than the front, which will give the user the option of showing off either pin-straight tresses or free-and-wavy short curls.
Catherine Keener
It is true–women over fifty can wear their hair long and still look young, especially if they are a natural brunette. Catherine Keener never goes blond, nor does she color her hair too dark; she just stays with ginger or auburn brown hues with light highlights to knock off ten tears from her age.
Angela Bassett
Wee-punky haircuts will work on women of all ages–just ask Angela Basset. But watch out! A girl needs to be extremely self-confidant to make this attention-grabbing hairstyle work for her.
Heidi Klum
If you have relatively healthy locks that mature pretty fast, you could pull off looking twenty again by growing out your short hair into a ruffled, shoulder-length style. Heidi’s tousled, shoulder-length appeal looks great on women over forty, and it accommodates straight hair or waves that have been blown silky-dry.
Kris Jenner
Kris likes to mess-up her flawlessly-executed, coiffed hairstyle, and we suggest that you do the same to look younger. Remember, straight coiffeurs can make women look snobbish. Just ask your stylist to deliberately muss-up your short tresses, and the effort will reward you with an ultramodern, “cool” look that’s in right now.
For a hairstyle in Oklahoma City that fits you, call me (Anastasia) for an appointment.