Black Hair

Hair Color to Complement Your Skin Tone – Oklahoma City Hair Color Salon

Most women don’t take their skin tone into consideration when choosing a hair color, but they should. The color of a woman’s hair can make the skin look pale or dull. You may have your eye on a color that looks fun or radical, but only your stylist can really help you find the hue …

Hair Color to Complement Your Skin Tone – Oklahoma City Hair Color Salon Leer más »

Haz la transición al cabello natural

Muchas mujeres y hombres negros han tratado de ajustarse a la noción de la sociedad de un cabello “bueno” alisándolo con alisadores a base de lejía y herramientas calientes durante casi dos siglos. Durante muchos años, se consideró normal soportar el escozor de los alisadores y las roturas causadas por los productos químicos agresivos y las altas temperaturas. Hoy dia …

Haz la transición al cabello natural Leer más »

10 consejos para hacer crecer el cabello negro por más tiempo - Oklahoma

10 Tips To Growing Black Hair Longer The common thought is that black hair grows slower than all other types of hair.  In actuality, all hair types average a 1/2 inch of growth every month.  The treatment you give your hair is the determining factor to growing and retaining your hair.  Some women may practice …

10 consejos para hacer crecer el cabello negro por más tiempo - Oklahoma Leer más »

Dipped Dyed Hair Trend Still Going Strong – Oklahoma Hairstylist

Dipped dyed hair made a splash earlier this year and is trend that is  still going strong. When the trend first started was seen on blonde hair with pastel ends. Now all colors are showing up and the latest incarnation is from British singer, Jessie J, is with black hair and bright red ends. This …

Dipped Dyed Hair Trend Still Going Strong – Oklahoma Hairstylist Leer más »

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