It doesn’t matter whether you’re interested in punked out dreadlocks or a jazzy Mohawk, there are certain rules to follow (or break) if you’re going after an Afro punk look. The Afro punk style is an alternative black trend that’s been spearheaded by Roscoe Dash and Busta Rhymes, but taken to various extremes by strong, eccentrics everywhere. In order to pull off this look, you need to be willing to make a time commitment to styling your hair and then prepare yourself to start breaking all the rules.

The punk look for African-Americans uses a variety of different tools from hair dye and body glitter, to chalk, and wearable hair strands. Using these tools, hair cuts can be complemented and given an extra boost of pizzazz. By using a combination of different tools and techniques anyone can get this look and make it look singularly unique.
It’s important that however you decide to cut and style your hair, that you keep the use of chemicals to a minimum. At the same time, in order to make your hair look like you meant for it to look the way you’re styling it, you’re going to need to use hydrating conditioners and oil sheen to keep it in tip-top shape. Hair that’s broken and dry doesn’t look stylish, it looks unhealthy. If you aren’t prepared to take the extra time required to maintain your style, Afro punk may not be right for you.
Rihanna is a great example of someone who actively wears the Afro punk style. Her stylist first relaxes the texture of her hair and then cuts it and shapes it with a razor to give it that edgy look. Asymmetry is one of the defining features of the Afro punk style and Rihanna demonstrates this with her Mohawk and shaved head. Creating drastic asymmetry is one way to make sure that your Afro punk style will make an impact.
Using permanent color to create strong contrasts is another important feature of Afro punk. Don’t attempt this at home by yourself. See a stylist to get positive results. The hair color available at the salon is less damaging to the hair, which is extremely important with Afro punk. If your hair is brittle and unhealthy, that’s what people will notice, not the creative and unique appearance of your style.
If you’re just starting out with an Afro punk do, start by getting a Mohawk. Roscoe Dash is a rap star who’s worked hard on his signature look. His hair cuts are attention-grabbing and all done without chemicals. His hair is simply cut into a basic Mohawk style and then patterns are carefully shaved into both of the sides of the head.