The 411 On Japanese Hair Straightening

When thinking about the straight-hair look that you’ve, like, desired forever, is your hair a friend or an adversary?

Believe it or not, saying “adeus” to unrelenting waves and frizz does not need to involve pouring hordes of chemicals over your prized locks.

Enter, Japanese hair straightening; a safe solution for going smoother; yet, there’re a lot of folks out there that are in the black about this hair straightening solution.

So, let’s talk this week about–Japanese hair straightening applications, how the process works, and, most notably, how it to avoid undesirable results.

glamor hair photoJapanese straightening goes by many names …

It’s important to communicate with your stylist, before you sit in the chair, exactly how you’ll want to permanently straighten your mane.

Japanese straightening has acquired a few nicknames, since becoming popular in the 90s:

• The contemporary, straight-perm
• The Japanese perm
• The Re-bond
• The Thermal recondition, reconstruction or straightening

Each and every one is simply a fancy name for straightening your hair the Japanese way. Just remember, there’re all, fundamentally, the same thing.

What will happen after sitting in the chair?

Let’s get familiar with the Japanese hair straightening process.

Originally designed as a smoothing and conditioning treatment, Japanese hair straightening quickly spread into the straightening ring after the pros discovered the process can create the desired texture without needing to pour a lot of unsafe chemicals on the locks.

To loosen the hair’s bonds, Japanese style, your pro-stylist will need the help of a harmless, chemical protein-compound to reshape tresses’ consistency.

But be advised, the entire process of adding product, washing, blow-drying and flat ironing is lengthy, and can it take up to five hours to complete for longer, thicker manes.

Your stylist will also ask you to make another appointment, after three days, so that he or she can add a final conditioning treatment to your smoother locks.

What you will receive, after all your hard-earned patience, is a head of permanently straight hair with gorgeous, genuine texture that will be easy to manage until the hair grows out.

So, what’s the bad news?

There’s not a lot, if you employ a pro-stylist to do the work.

Like any straightening treatment, the process combines a chemical brew with extreme temperatures to get results.

This practice can harm the locks, if preformed incorrectly; however, heat damage and chemical hair breakage is almost eliminated when left in the hands of a pro.

Further, Japanese hair straightening is incompatible with coloring jobs or perms preformed on the locks prior.

THIS IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW: if you’ve had work done on the hair in six months or less, you must wait until your hair grows out before mixing additional chemicals into the mane; impatience could result in irreversible hair damage.

Other thoughts to consider

• Remember, once you go for it, there’s no going back.
• Keep the locks away from direct sunlight for about a month after straightening.
• African-American women should discuss alternative straightening solutions with their stylist.
• Properly moisturizing and conditioning the hair after the appointment is the answer to a longer smoothing cycle.

For hair straightening in Oklahoma City with fewer harsh chemicals, call me (Anastasia) for an appointment.
