Embrace Your Natural Hair Texture – Oklahoma City Hairstylist

Women are embracing their natural hair texture. For the past few years there has been a growing movement in hair styling to forgo harsh chemical treatments and relaxers. Many women are tired of the way these treatments damage their hair and irritate their scalp, let alone the economic side of the coin. Relaxers and straightening treatments can be pricey and time consuming to maintain. African American women who have made the choice to go natural is up 25% from last year. Many celebrities are showing up in the media and on red carpets with their hair styled naturally.
Bella Sugar

Hairstyles have long been a symbol of status and self expression. Women are now breaking free from the stereotype of long straight being the perfect hair. No longer happy to alter their natural hair texture, women of all races and ages are finally embracing what nature gave them. Along with this trend come some special considerations for the care of natural hair. Naturally curly hair can be more fragile than straight hair, so it needs extra care to keep it looking and feeling healthy.

Moisture is your hair’s best friend. Use a moisturizing shampoo/conditioner system. Look for products which contain olive oil, shea butter, and Argan oil. These oils keep your hair soft and manageable and nourish your scalp. Moisture will also help keep your hair from becoming frizzy and brittle. Avoid products with sulfates and styling products with alcohol in them since they will dry your hair out.

Use an anti-frizz serum. Each time you shampoo and condition you hair use an anti-frizz serum. These serums coat the hair shaft and keep the cuticle layer smooth. They also create a barrier between your hair and the elements. While moisture may be your hair’s best friend, humidity is not and anti-frizz serum will help keep your natural hair from blossoming on humid days.

Be gentle with your hair. Never brush wet hair, always use a wide tooth comb. If you do want to use a flat iron or curling iron, apply heat protecting product first. When you need to untangle your hair, start at the ends and work up. Use short gentle strokes to remove any knots or tangles.

Wear a silk or satin headscarf to bed. This will help keep your hair from becoming matted and tangles. You can use a silk or satin pillow case instead if you like.

Keep up on your trims. This is an excellent tip no matter how you wear your hair. By keeping up on your regular trims, your stylist will remove any damaged and split ends. She will also be able to monitor your hair and scalp’s health and give you recommendations on how to care for your new natural style.

Call now to book an appointment. Anastasia is a salon hair stylist in Oklahoma City, OK. Out of town appointments welcome.

